I've talked to many artists and programmers who have said they would like to produce free online games. Many of these individuals are talented, but lack the college degree, connections, or capital necessary to design their own games. In this article I will explain a growing trend, and how you can produce quality online games for a low cost.
Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content
Related Online Game Articles ©2006 ArticleGeek.com: Free Website Content - All Rights ReservedHow To Cheaply Produce And Market Online Games
The console game industry has continued to increase the price for their products in recent years. Brand new games for the Xbox 360 now cost $60 each. The cost involved with developing games for the Xbox or Playstation is too much for most people. Only well established companies with lots of resources are able to produce games for these consoles. This puts the independent developer in a position where it is difficult to compete.
However, the rise of the internet has made producing free online games much easier. It is now possible for a independent developer to hire both programmers and designers to create an online game. How can this be done? When you hear of outsourcing in the news, you often think of fortune 500 companies. In reality, even small business people can outsource by using the internet. It is possible to find programmers in India, China, or Eastern Europe who can write code for very affordable prices. The same is true for designers.
With a budget of only a few thousand dollars, it is possible for you to produce free online games. You could hire programmers and designers via forums, and once you have designed the game you can cheaply advertise it via the internet. You could use text link or banner advertising. You could upload samples of your game onto P2P networks. Many of these advertising methods are low cost or free of charge. You could also use Adwords to market your product.
The internet makes it possible for small groups to produce quality games and compete with large companies. Before the rise of the internet this was impossible, and most people had to go work for large corporations if they wanted to produce video games.
It is also possible to build a website where you allow people to play the game free of charge. This could allow you to build a gaming community where you can earn income from advertising. There are no limits to the types of free online games you can produce on the internet. The only thing that limits you is your imagination.
Michael Colucci is a technical writer for dustgames.com - A site that offers you to play free online games on a free online arcade game site.
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