Are you planning a trip abroad? If you so, you might want to know the current currency exchange rates so you can plan ahead for your financing needs. Your money is usually not worth the same in different countries as it is in the country where you live. It's a good idea to know the value of your dollar before you take your trip, as you will have to hand it over to be converted when you reach your destination. You don't want to be shocked when you get there and realize the possibility of an enormous difference in monetary value, and that your money isn't worth close to what is in your own country. Then again, it may end up that you are happily surprised upon discovering that your money is worth double or triple in the country you are going to be visiting than what it's worth at home.
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A really good source of information for currency exchange rates and other international financial services is They offer information and services for business necessities like buying foreign currency, transferring funds to an overseas bank account, or paying an international seller's invoice. On a personal level, you can send international wire transfers to family or friends abroad, pay overseas college tuitions or put a deposit down on a vacation rental in a foreign country. Another great feature they offer is a currency converter right on their home page. You can find out what your money's worth in almost any country around world in just a few seconds!
Another reason for being aware of currency exchange rates is for purchasing over seas stocks. When you purchase stock in another country, but are based in your own country, as in online trading for instance, your dollar value is probably going to be different than what it is in the country where you are investing. You will want to be informed of the exact currency exchange rates so that you know precisely how much you are paying for that stock. It may seem like a good price, until you convert your dollars. You may end up paying much more than the stock is actually worth, defeating the whole purpose of investing.
Purchasing international stocks? You need to be up-to-date with all the countries currency exhange rates.
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