Health Care Industry Articles

Electronic Medical Records
Describes the pros and cons to the ASP and Client/Server models for Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software.
By: Mario Gattuso

Emergency Room or ER: What's Right for You Today?
Urgent care is a rapidly growing trend for convenient access to healthcare for the public. Learn what conditions are ideal for the urgent care center and what conditions are best treated in a hospital emergency department.
By: David Stern, MD

Resolve to Get Involved
As you review your goals for the new year, include engaging employees in their Florida health care decisions on your list. Educating employees on their part in medical care can lead to increased quality of life and productivity, and decreased sick leave and health care expense.
By: Peter Joseph

Health Care Costs Rising
Health Care Costs Rising - The cost of providing employees with health insurance coverage continues to increase at a double-digit rate.
By: Peter Joseph

Worksite Wellness
Worksite Wellness - Employers increasingly are realizing the value that worksite wellness programs deliver as an effective tool to improve employee health, increase productivity, reduce absenteeism and lower health care costs.
By: Cathy Aguirre

Where The Money Goes
Where the money goes - As a business owner, you've come to expect big increases in your employee health insurance premiums of late. Employer-sponsored health insurance premiums increased an average of 11.2 percent in 2004
By: Peter Joseph

Start Spreading the News
Open enrollment is a 30-day period in which employees have the opportunity to select their benefits for the next year. Making an informed decision about which health plan to select
By: Linda Jackson Jones

A New Healthcare Financing Solution
New Healthcare Financing Solution, In this era of creative financing and cost management tools, many employers are looking for new ways to help employees finance their health care expenses.
By: Stephen Russell

Stretching Your Healthcare Dollar in Florida
Stretching Your Healthcare Dollar in Florida - Employers nationwide face critical decisions about their health benefits program.
By: Peter Joseph

Guiding Principles
Employee personal health benefits questions is a common responsibility for benefit administrators.
By: Linda Jackson Jones

Florida Benefits Planning
Florida Benefits Planning, It's never too early to begin planning how health benefit plans will be designed and paid for, and what role you, as an employer, will continue to play in the process.
By: Peter Joseph

Fixing Health Care
Fixing Health Care, The cost of health insurance continues to climb unabated. As the number of uninsured in America swells to 45 million people, many look to our political leaders for answers and relief.
By: John Cantillo

Enrollment Roster
Health insurance companies, Having a competitive stance goes beyond offering affordable health benefits packages - it also involves having superior service, such as an efficient billing and enrollment process
By: Kris Hammock

Educated Choice
How to control health care costs continues to dominate discussions among benefit administrators, chief financial officers, CEOs, insurance brokers and health benefit companies.
By: Cathy Aguirre

Bottom Line Health
Choosing a health plan is not as easy as it used to be. The distinctions among health plans have begun to blur as health benefits companies compete for your business.
By: Ronald J. Berding

Using Buttons and Badges in the Health Care Industry
In the health care industry, buttons can be a great way to spread motivation, identify people, and help with the healing process.
By: Greg Allison

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